Agape Compass

Vision: Traumatized people being reached with the love of Christ and God’s people becoming equipped in Turkey to become emotionally healthier believers in the church and to help others become the same. Mission: Helping disadvantaged, suffering people in and outside of the church through high quality Christian counseling, support groups and programs as well as equipping others to do the same.

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Donate to ICMS in support of the ministry of Agape Compass. Accepts donations in USD only.


How we do it:

-Training lay Christian counselors and mentors via online programs

-Counseling with disadvantaged people who cannot pay for counseling such as domestic violence victims, war and natural disaster survivors, and poor members of the church

-Doing therapeutic games programs with traumatized poor children

- Providing urgent physical and medical needs of war and natural disaster survivors

 Join us in prayer and financial support for many to grow in character and faith in this predominantly Islamic country through high-quality Christian counseling and training and for suffering people to experience God’s love and be drawn to Him through compassionate care and healing. We are committed to sending regular newsletters to inform our partners and follow God's leading in spite of many challenges.