Biblical Church Ministries

By the grace of God, BCM’s (Biblical Church Ministries') goal is to be faithful in obeying the Great Commission despite military unrest, imminent dangers, shortfalls in funding, setbacks, or opposition. Evangelism, training of pastors and church planting is our way of fulfilling the Great Commission in Myanmar. There is much hopelessness and a great hunger and need for the Good News, so BCM is bringing hope through Jesus. Our aim is to plant and nourish healthy, maturing, indigenous, reproducing churches.

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1. Completion of a Church building for an existing congregation. This will be the headquarters for the BCM work. It is located in Tachileik, Myanmar.  

2. Teaching, nourishing and discipling believers.

3. Training church planters and pastors and planting new Biblical churches.

4. Evangelism of non-believers: local Burmese on streets, in prisons, markets and other venues, including people addicted to drugs, sex, gambling, etc.

5. Purchasing or building a centre for an Addiction Rehabilitation program. There is a huge addiction problem in Myanmar, and we want to bring hope and restoration. Many have already been healed and become believers, and we trust that there will be many more. 

6. Evangelism of northern tribal people: the WA, ANN, LAHU and other tribal peoples.

7. Attempt to meet the physical (relieving of poverty), educational, agricultural, medical, social and spiritual needs of Myanmar, including tribal people, as funding permits and opportunities arise.

The picture is of Pastor Aung Mai (front, with white shirt) and some members of his church. A church building is very important for believers who have left the temple culture. The church exists for mutual nourishment and support; without a church community, believers are very alone and vulnerable